
Average price


Avg price changed


Avg price changed

Average property price comparison png csv

Properties sold


Total sale
Lower end numbers in the last graph in a current year don't indicate a market change. Sales records are delayed, it can take up to 3 months to process them all.

Property sales volumes png csv

Avg. price/m²

Average property price per m² png csv

Avg. price/m²

Avg. property price per m² depending on number of rooms png csv

Average property price by no. of rooms png csv

Sales volumes by no. of rooms png csv
Number of habitable rooms, kitchen included.

Average property price by floor size png csv

Sales volumes by floor size png csv

Sales volumes by property type png csv

Sales volumes by property type png

Sales volumes - new vs. established properties png csv

Sales volumes - new vs. established properties png

Yearly % change in property transactions

Yearly change in property transactions

Comparison of avg. price % change, avg. price and no. of sold properties png csv

Comparison of avg. price/m² and average floor area size png csv
~80% of properties can be matched to floor area size.

Average price change year over year in % png csv

Average price by area/district png csv

Number of properties sold png csv

Comparison of transaction % change, avg. price % change and no. of transactions

Property average floor size in m² by number of rooms png csv

Number of properties by number of rooms and floor area size png csv

Total crimes

Crime rate comparison png csv
Number of crimes per 1000 wd people per month/year


of national average
crime rate

National crime rate comparison png csv
by month/year

Crime rates by crime category png csv

total crimes
↓png ↓csv

Total crime volume by month/year png csv

annual headcount change

annual headcount % change

Eng. & Wales annual % change

Headcount year over year % change png csv

total population

Total population by year png csv

population avg. age

annual avg. age change

Eng. + Wales annual avg. age change

Population average age by year png csv

average age of man

average age of woman

Population average age by year and sex png csv

total population png csv

females png csv


Compare postcodes