all counties all regions all areas
Greater London Inner London Outer London
East Midlands East of England North East North West South East South West West Midlands Yorkshire Wales
Bedfordshire Berkshire Bristol Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire Clwyd Cornwall Cumbria Derbyshire Devon Dorset Durham Dyfed East Yorkshire East Sussex Essex Gloucestershire Greater London Greater Manchester Gwent Gwynedd Hampshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Isle of Wight Kent Lancashire Leicestershire Lincolnshire Merseyside Mid Glamorgan Norfolk Northamptonshire Northumberland North Yorkshire Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Powys Rutland Shropshire Somerset South Glamorgan South Yorkshire Staffordshire Suffolk Surrey Tyne and Wear Warwickshire West Glamorgan West Midlands West Sussex West Yorkshire Wiltshire Worcestershire
AL, St Albans B, Birmingham BA, Bath BB, Blackburn BD, Bradford BH, Bournemouth BL, Bolton BN, Brighton BR, Bromley BS, Bristol CA, Carlisle CB, Cambridge CF, Cardiff CH, Chester CM, Chelmsford CO, Colchester CR, Croydon CT, Canterbury CV, Coventry CW, Crewe DA, Dartford DE, Derby DH, Durham DL, Darlington DN, Doncaster DT, Dorchester DY, Dudley E, E London EC, EC London EN, Enfield EX, Exeter FY, Blackpool GL, Gloucester GU, Guildford HA, Harrow HD, Huddersfield HG, Harrogate HP, Hemel Hemp. HR, Hereford HU, Hull HX, Halifax IG, Ilford IP, Ipswich KT, Kings. upT. L, Liverpool LA, Lancaster LD, Llandrindod LE, Leicester LL, Llandudno LN, Lincoln LS, Leeds LU, Luton M, Manchester ME, Rochester MK, Milton Keynes N, N London NE, Newca. upT. NG, Nottingham NN, Northampton NP, Newport NR, Norwich NW, NW London OL, Oldham OX, Oxford PE, Peterborough PL, Plymouth PO, Portsmouth PR, Preston RG, Reading RH, Redhill RM, Romford S, Sheffield SA, Swansea SE, SE London SG, Stevenage SK, Stockport SL, Slough SM, Sutton SN, Swindon SO, Southampton SP, Salisbury SR, Sunderland SS, S-nd-on-Sea ST, Stoke SW, SW London SY, Shrewsbury TA, Taunton TD, Galashiels TF, Telford TN, Tonbridge TQ, Torquay TR, Truro TS, Cleveland TW, Twickenham UB, Southall W, W London WA, Warrington WC, WC London WD, Watford WF, Wakefield WN, Wigan WR, Worcester WS, Walsall WV, Wolverham. YO, York
1 yr. 2 yrs. 5 yrs.
all yrs 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
age new old
home flat house detach. semidt. terrace
size m² < 30m² 30-49m² 50-69m² 70-89m² 90-109 110-149 150m²+
room 1 2 3 4 5 6+
all crimes anti-social behav. bicycle theft burglary c. damage, arson drugs other crime other theft poss. of weapons public order robbery shoplifting theft from a pers. vehicle crime violent crime
empl. self, no empl.
inactive home,family
inactive sick,other
student, no work
no answer
no religion
no car
1 car
2 cars
3+ cars
economic activity
home flat house
current energy efficiency
heating cost per 10 m²
energy tariff
fuel used for heating
main heating control efficiency
main heating efficiency
walls efficiency
windows efficiency
all ▲5 ▲10 ▲25 ▲50 ▼5 ▼10 ▼25 ▼50